Monday, August 31, 2009

Monday Dinner

Thanks for checking in. I haven't been cooking for the past few nights due to functions and other things interfering with dinner (we ate out 2 of the last 3 nights and picked at leftovers the 3rd night). Tonight I was back in the kitchen and it felt good.

I made London Broil, purchased on markdown and marinated in Ken's Steakhouse Balsamic & Roasted Onion marinade (that I got free during triple coupons). For side dishes I made Mushroom Rice (Lipton/Knorr side dish, also purchased during triple coupons), and steam-in-the-bag Brussels Sprouts. Since I put the meat in the marinade last night, dinner took less than 20 minutes this evening.


$3.03 - London Broil
.04 - Lipton/Knorr rice mix (yes, really)
$1.30 - Brussels sprouts (purchased BOGO)
free - marinade

$4.37 for dinner for 3

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