Monday, July 13, 2009

Monday Dinner

Tonight's dinner was one of my favorite spring meals - salmon, rice, roasted asparagus and hollandaise sauce. I say spring meals because that's usually the only time fresh asparagus is reasonably priced. I just refuse to pay $3 - $4 per pound out of season. But I ran across some at WalMart the other night for $1.75/lb - not as cheap as I'd like, but probably the cheapest I'm going to see until next March. So I had one little last hurrah.

The salmon was sprinkled liberally with Chef Paul Prudhomme Magic Salmon Seasoning (this stuff rocks), then quickly seared in a non-stick pan with a little butter.


$2.61 - salmon (4 fillets for $3.49 at Aldi)
rice - free after HT triple coupons
$1.75 - asparagus
$1 - hollandaise sauce

$5.36 for dinner for 3

TIP: McCormick makes a hollandaise sauce mix for about $1 that is pretty darn good substitute for the full-fat, full-effort kind. I'll make from-scratch hollandaise sauce for special occasions, but the mix is my go-to choice for nuthin'-special dinners.

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