Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Weekend Dinners

You know the story on this one. In a few months this dish has gone from a totally unfamiliar flavor profile to one of my family's favorite recipes. The Kid does a fist-pump whenever I mention this is what I'm cooking.

Sunday Totals:

$3 - 1.5 lbs boneless chicken breast
$1.39 - can coconut milk
.55 - can tomatoes
.40 - 2 cans tomato sauce
.25 - onion
.40 - rice (double my usual recipe)

$5.99 for dinner for 4 (sister joined us) plus 2 lunch servings left over


The Kid was away Saturday night. I knew in advance that it would just be the 2 of us for dinner, so I had my eye out for a good deal on a dinner for 2. Sadler Smokehouse brand has a line of heat n' serve "dinner for 2" sold at Harris Teeter. These are meat & side dish combos, sold in the packaged meat case. They're pricey at $7.99 each, but I had a $1 off coupon that doubled last week. Plus there was an additional $3 markdown because they were short-dated (I don't think they're selling too well), so for $1.99 it was quite a deal.

We had the Country Style Ribs (boneless pork tenderloin in BBQ sauce) with white cheddar mashed potatoes. It was quite good, but this is one of those meals that means it when it says "serves 2." Some you can stretch into a 3rd serving - this one, you can't. On the side I opened a can of collard greens - an Aldi house brand I'd never tried before. The verdict: OK, but not worth the .20 - .30 savings over Margaret Holmes brand. Rounding out the meal were a couple of Sister Shubert's individual heat n' serve yeast rolls.

Saturday Totals:

$1.99 - Sadler BBQ pork entree w/ cheddar mash
.69 - collard greens
.35 - rolls

$3.03 for dinner for 2

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